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Julia Mazanova

Deputy General Director for Sustainable Development and Corporate Communications of Management Company «Metalloinvest»


Graduated from the Faculty of Technical Cybernetics and Automation of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Engineering. In 2006 received an MBA in the program "Political and Business Communications" from the Institute of Communication Management HSE.
Since the beginning of her career, she has consistently managed the advertising and marketing departments of industrial and commercial companies. From 1997 to 2005, she headed the Public Relations Department of the EAST LINE Group (Domodedovo Airport and related assets). It was during this period that Domodedovo underwent a period of qualitative transformation and exponential growth in passenger traffic, growing from a reserve airport in Moscow to an international transport hub, to which the world's largest airlines transferred their flights.
Since 2005 - Director of the Corporate Communications Department, and since 2020 - Deputy General Director for Sustainable Development and Corporate Communications of Management Company «Metalloinvest».
She became one of the first Russian reputation specialists who worked using the best international industry practices, was the author and leader of the first large-scale campaigns to promote products of the financial and trade and production sector. While working at EAST LINE, she actively implemented the ideas of corporate values, principles of social responsibility and effective reputation management. Purposeful work with the use of up-to-date communication tools has become an important part of solving the medium-term task of repositioning the enterprise both in the industry and in the public consciousness.
At Metalloinvest Julia Mazanova implemented an unified information and social policy framework, as well as forming a common system of internal and external communications in various regions of Russia.
Julia Mazanova conducts systematic work in the field of sustainable development of the regions of Metalloinvest’s presence. In partnership with local authorities, local communities and NGOs, Metalloinvest implements a number of corporate programs developing the potential of the territories and creating a high-quality social and cultural environment.
Today, Metalloinvest's sustainable development programs have become an integral part of the company's overall strategy, having a significant positive impact on economic results.
In 2020, Julia Mazanova was recognized as the best in the annual rating "Top-1000 Russian Managers" in the field of CSR among representatives of mining and metallurgical companies. She was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.
Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.