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Natalia Dorpeko

Executive director of the Association "National Network of the Global Compact"

Articles & Interviews


The candidate has proven knowledge and relevant experience in the field of sustainable development, including the Sustainable Development Goals and the thematic areas of the UN Global Compact - human rights, labor, anti-corruption and the environment, as well as a deep understanding of the latest international and national trends and problems in the field of sustainable development. Has experience in strategic planning, strategy implementation, project management and corporate programs, preparation of reports in the field of sustainable development – more than 7 years. Maintains stable ties with the business community.

Education - higher.
Specialization in corporate governance: Institute of Business Ethics, Reuters Risk Management, UK.
Academic degree – PhD, Economics.
Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.