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The UN Global Compact

UN Global Compact Russia

  • Officially authorized by the UNGC Office headquarter of the initiative in Russia
  • National community of Russian UNGC participants
  • Legal entity - Association ‘National Global Compact Network on Implementation of Responsible Business Principles in Business Practice’ (‘National Network of the Global Compact’) – non-profit corporate organization based on voluntary membership founded to represent and protect the interests of its members and to achieve socially-oriented and other objectives as stated in the Statutes
  • Network of Russian business leaders, introducing progressive forms of commercial activities and management, as well as networking with a large variety of stakeholders, business partners and civil society in accordance with world standards of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development

Joins together - more than 50 participants working in most regions of Russia

Participants of the UN Global Compact Network Russia include State Corporation Vnesheconombank (chairing the Network from 2013), Rosneft, RUSAL, Severstal, Nornickel, RusHydro, SISTEMA PJSFC, Russian Railways, LUKOIL, Sakhalin Energy, Polymetal,  International Investment Bank, SUE ‘Vodokanal of St. Petersburg’, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization, and others. At the same time several dozens of companies – representations / subsidiaries of international corporations such as Nestle, Unilever, Samsung, Volkswagen AG, Daimler AG, BMW AG, BASF SE, Bayer AG, KPMG, EY etc. – that are also participants of the UNGC.

Intellectual Property Rights

Any intellectual property developed by the GCLN to achieve the objectives under the Agreement, including but not limited to papers, brochures, training materials, communication materials, presentations and reports, shall vest with the GCLN. The GCLN shall acknowledge and credit the GCO, where applicable, whenever such intellectual property or part thereof is used. The GCLN shall provide the GCO with a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable and royalty-free license to any and all such intellectual property, which shall survive the termination of the Agreement.

Framework of the UNGC Local Network activities

Participants of the UNGC Local Network

  • Confirm their support to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs, take responsibilities to revise their business models by changing their business strategy in favour of long-term sustainability for a more fair, ecological, and inclusive development of the economy, territories, society, and the planet
  • Take part in development of the UNGC Local Network, as well as in promoting principles and values of responsible business practice and sustainable development using the platform of the UNGC LN and its partners

LN UNGC members strategically aim no only at strengthening their domestic and internal positions, but at successful integration in global sustainability processes, increasing the participation of Russian business and society in forming a global agenda, raising investment attractiveness and modernizing Russian economy. 

Business should learn using Global Compact as a sustainable development tool. UNGC participants have advantages in comparison to those who act on their own. Participation in the initiative allows to shorten the distance on the way to international cooperation and partnerships, internal growth, responding to the needs of epoch, efficient capitalization of reputation. Extending participation opportunities, presenting, speaking on its position at key international UN and UNGC events, participate directly in forming a global agenda. At the same time, working actively at a local level, building capacity, elaborating on methodology of a correct assessment of sustainable development integration efficiency, both for business and a society. Participating in thematic expert discussions to reveal weak and strong points of integration model, and so on. A basis for all this can be formed uniquely by consolidated communities, and not separate companies.   L. Ovchinnikova, Chair of the Steering Committee of the UNGC Local Network.


The supreme governing body of the UNGC Russia is the General Assembly, which decides on the priorities and approves the annual report of the UNGC Russia.

The collegial governing body of the UNGC Russia is the Steering Committee, consisting of nine members elected for one year. The Steering Committee comprises one representative of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, one UN representative and one public officer. Also, five representatives of UNGC Russia participant companies and one representative of UNGC Russia non-for-profit participants are elected by the General Assembly. Today, the Steering Committee includes representatives of ACIG Group, Investment Company RUSS-INVEST, United Company RUSAL, and the Anti-Corruption Committee.

The President of the Steering Committee is elected by and from the members of the Steering Committee by a majority vote and is the official representative of the network. In 2013, Vnesheconombank was elected the President of the Global Compact Russia and up to the present day meets the network’s engagements and performs flagship functions related to its activities in Russia and positioning at international events.            

The Secretariat is a permanent executive body in the UNGC Russia, which is based in the United Nations Office for Project Services. The UNGC Russia acts under The Regulation on the UNGC Russia adopted by the first General Assembly on 17 December 2008.

Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.