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Global Environmental Partnership. Innovative Business Solutions


On March 11-15, 2019, the 4th session of the UN Environment Assembly was held in Nairobi (Kenya), where a delegation of Russian business took part for the first time, on the initiative and with the support of the Global Compact Local Network of Russia.

The main partners of the Russian delegation program are UN-Environment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Embassy of the Russian Federation and the Representation of the Russian Federation to international organizations in Nairobi, Global Compact Local Network in Kenya.

Over the past half century, the issue of the state of the environment has gradually shifted from the periphery to the center of attention of the international community. This transition was reaffirmed at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012, when world leaders called for the strengthening and renewal of UN-Environment activities. The result was a new governing body - the UN Assembly on the Environment, which gives the issue of the state of the environment the same level of awareness as peace, poverty, health and safety. The United Nations Environment Assembly brings together ecology ministers from around the world to take action and harmonize policies to support a healthy environment for present and future generations. The Assembly is held every two years, providing an opportunity for all stakeholders, including parliamentarians, local authorities and indigenous peoples, as well as representatives of civil society, business, academia and academia to participate in developing solutions to the problems of the state of our planet. About 5,000 people attend the Assembly session.

The 4th Session of the Assembly, which was held at the UN Office in Nairobi in March 2019 chaired by Estonia, focused on SDG 15 - Preservation of terrestrial ecosystems. The main topics of the session were: Innovative solutions to environmental problems / Sustainable production and consumption.
Sub-topics of the session: Environmental challenges related to the problems of poverty and natural resource management, including sustainable food security systems, food security and countering the loss of biodiversity; Life cycle concept applied to the efficient use of resources, energy, chemicals and waste disposal; Innovative sustainable business development in a period of rapid technological change.

The same aspects became the basis for the general theme of the participation of the Russian business delegation under the aegis of the Global Compact Local Network of Russia, which presented the contribution of Russian business to the search for innovative solutions to environmental problems in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Russian business delegation under the auspices of the Global Compact Local Network of Russia consisted of UC RUSAL, En +, Nordgold and Polymetal, as well as representatives of Russian Railways and Severstal, the Association of Lake Regions and WWF RUSSIA.

The objectives of the participation of the Russian business delegation:

1. To present the best experience of Russian business in the field of environmental protection, environmental and climate responsibility, innovative solutions in the field of conservation, restoration, conservation, cyclical use, etc. natural resources and the potential of the planet.

2. Underline and confirm the role of Russian business in solving environmental and climate problems, its involvement in the international agenda on these issues and readiness for further open dialogue and joint search for new effective solutions.

3. Provide Russian business representatives with the opportunity to gain practical experience of participation in the work of international high-level sites, expand international contacts and establish long-term working contacts with stakeholders in the context of sustainable development and the SDGs.

4. To establish business relations with the GCLN in Kenya and its participants, to discuss possible ways and formats for further cooperation, exchange of experience and joint work on a global agenda.

5. To present relevant, supported by Russian business projects aimed at creating an inclusive environment in Russia, thus contributing to the formation of a positive adequate image of Russia as a whole.

The main activities of the Russian business delegation program:

  • Sustainable Innovation Expo / Eco-Innovation and Sustainable Finance
  • The program of the GCLN Kenya. Visit-discussion
  • High-level business breakfast on the margins of the 4th session of UNEA together with the UN Environment / Business contribution to innovative solutions and environmental challenges in the context of the SDGs
  • Official meeting with UN Environment management
  • Reception-presentation on behalf of the Russian business delegation under the auspices of the GCLN Russia / Business contribution to innovative solutions and environmental challenges in the context of the SDGs. Stakeholder Collaboration

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