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Goal of the month

No hunger (SDG2) - is aimed to eliminate hunger, ensure food security and improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agricultural development. 

SDG2 draws attention not only to ending hunger, but also to the importance of ensuring that all people have access to safe, nutritious and varied food. Achieving and maintaining sustainable agriculture through the introduction of sustainable production methods that help conserve natural resources and cope with the effects of climate change. Nutrition is another important task: access to safe and nutritious food must be guaranteed, which is especially important for the health and development of children. Equitable access to resources, including land, knowledge and technology, is also a key element. 

Hunger and malnutrition undermine health, economic development and social well-being. Solving these problems opens up new opportunities for growth and prosperity at the local and global levels.

In focus this month:

16.10 – World Food Day

This year's theme of World Food Day is "Right to foods for a better life and a better future", which calls for large-scale actions to ensure that all people have access to an adequate amount of diverse, nutritious and safe food. On October 16, 2024, a Hybrid global ceremony will be held on the eve of World Food Day. Find out more about the event at the link.

UN International Social Report 2024

The UN Social Report 2024 emphasizes that for better social development in difficult conditions, it is necessary to develop both national efforts and international actions, and it is important that the actions taken are coordinated. The Report presents various factors affecting social development in different countries, as well as an analysis of the global social situation.


From October 21 to November 1, Cali, Colombia, will host COP 16, the first Conference of the Parties on Biodiversity since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP 15. During the Conference, government representatives will review the implementation of the framework and agree on their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans. COP 16 will contribute to the development of a monitoring system, improved resource mobilization and the completion of a multi-stakeholder mechanism for sharing the benefits of digitally consistent information on genetic resources.

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