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En+ Group is a global leader in low-carbon aluminium production and renewable energy. With an annual production capacity of 3.9 mmt of aluminium, En+ Group is the largest aluminium producer in the world (ex-China). Our 15.1GW of installed hydropower capacity also makes us the largest independent hydropower generator globally. The Group has a well-established presence across five continents, a strong operational hub in Siberia, Russia and c.98,000 employees.

The composition of the Group’s assets and operations, both in terms of the industries and concentrated location in which it operates, enables our Power and Metals segments to achieve strategic synergies and competitive strengths.

• More than 90% of our aluminium is produced from renewable hydropower giving us one of the lowest carbon footprints in the industry – 3.7 tCO2e per t of aluminium VS an industry average of 14 tCO2e per t of aluminium.
• The Group operates three out of the world’s 20 largest HPPs - and operational excellence contribute to our industry cost leadership.
• We are the only aluminium company in the world fully covered by its own hydropower and alumina and with c. 70% self-sufficiency in bauxites and nephelines, which are two thirds of our cash costs.

 The Group, which has GDRs listed on the London and Moscow Stock Exchanges, is committed to be a world leader in addressing climate change and environmental issues and invests in the development of new technologies and modern equipment to enhance production efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of its operations.

 Our Metals segment aims to cover at least 95% of its aluminium production energy needs by hydropower and other carbon free power sources by 2025. It has also adopted a strategy aimed at reducing specific GHG emissions by 2025 (from 2014 levels)

• -15% at our smelters
• -10% at our alumina refineries

 Our Power segment is implementing an HPP modernization programme which is on track to deliver 2 TWh more electricity from the same amount of water passing through our turbines by 2022 and by the same date reduce our emissions of CO2 by 2.3 mtpa.
The Group plays a leading role in the sustainable development of the regions in which it operates and has a wide range of projects aimed at preserving the eco-systems, bolstering social dialogue and enhancing the living conditions of local communities.

 For example, En+ Group is undertaking a comprehensive Lake Baikal conservation programme with a multi-disciplinary approach based on four pillars:
• Science-based analysis
• Voluntary initiatives
• Educational platforms
• Cooperation with stakeholders
Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.