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LLC "Remmontazh" is a licensed company that provides services in the field of waste management of hazard class IV. In accordance with the license issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, Remmontazh LLC carries out activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and disposal of waste. The company is based in the city of Kirov, Kaluga region.

The company has been operating in the field of communal services since 2006. Remmontazh LLC is developing dynamically. This is also evidenced by the fact that the territory of its service is increasing from year to year. Today LLC "Remmontazh" serves 6 districts of the Kaluga region.

The main mission of the company is to achieve growth in business volumes, reduce environmental impact and increase the positive impact on society, which is expressed in providing residents of the serviced areas with comfortable living conditions and the formation of a general environmental culture of the population.

LLC "Remmontazh" is a small enterprise of the Russian Federation, which is a member of the national network of the UN GC (2015). Demonstrating a vivid example of corporate corporate responsibility on the way to achieving sustainable development goals, the company is actively involved in the preparation of regulations for the development of non-financial reporting.


In focus:

- Assistance in the formation of the ecological worldview of schoolchildren through environmental education;

- Assistance in the introduction of the system of separate collection of waste in the daily life of the population of the region, as an important element of the system for the formation of an ecological outlook;

- Assistance in the upbringing of the ecological culture of the younger generation through acquaintance with contemporary art, as well as the development of the creative abilities of children;

-Promotion of environmental activities of children and youth through their participation in reforestation;

- Contribute to the creation of a platform where participants can expand their knowledge about ecology, environmental protection, exchange experiences and outline plans for the future;

-Promotion of career guidance for future school graduates in the field of natural sciences related to the protection of the environment.

The socialization of a person in the modern world requires from him not only professional knowledge and skills, but also the formation of a responsible worldview aimed at sustainable development in the interests of society. The basis for the formation of such a worldview, according to the chairman of the Scientific Council on the problems of environmental education of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.N. Zakhlebny is ecology. The organizers of the project are sure that in order to form an ecological worldview, it is necessary that the topic of careful and responsible attitude to nature is constantly in the sphere of attention of the younger generation.

For these purposes, the organizers are implementing the Ecopatriot project during the academic year. The project has a cycle - one academic year - and consists of 4 annual stages. Stage 1 - eco-classes on separate waste collection (RSW), they are held for different classes in different formats - in the form of eco-lectures, eco-quizzes. The knowledge gained allows children to be conscious of the creative recycling of waste and prepare for the 2nd stage - competitions of crafts from recycled materials and drawings on the topic: "Let's share." In addition, in the 3rd stage, special attention is paid to environmental activities, such as leo restoration, environmental subbotniks, and others. The winners of creative competitions and activists of eco-events become participants in the 3rd stage, aimed at visiting the Art Museum of Waste "Mu Mu" with a 5-hour educational and entertainment program. Stage 4 - ecological meeting of schoolchildren "Give life to the planet". Ecofly is the final annual event of the ECOPATRIOT project. Participation in the eco-summit is an encouragement for the best and at the same time an incentive for further participation in our projects. At the same time, the rally held in early September becomes the start of a new ecological year and allows teachers to form a team of ecopatoriots for the new academic year through participation in the project, the entire educational program is aimed at this.

Project partners:

Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kaluga Region

Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Kaluga Region

Kaluga State University K.E. Tsiolkovsky

State Enterprise "Kaluga Regional Environmental Operator"

GBU KO "Directorate of Parks"

ANO "Ecological and Patriotic Initiative"

Joining the Global Compact Network Russia – the Association “National Network of the Global Compact” – opens for the UN Global Compact participants additional opportunities – those mentioned above and stated below.